"Its Ok Thursdays"
ITS OK......
I have parked illegally at work most of the week due to being late and not wanting to walk across 2 streets in the rain.
I bought my daughter a Ninja costume for Halloween. She loves it and has worn it the past two nights running around doing Ninja moves!!
I drank my dinner last night, I love me some Yuengling Light lately, and Ohio finally sells it.
I had my first glass of red wine and actually liked it. I actually liked it so much that I drank the whole bottle that night.
I haven't ran in a few weeks, I have been moving and that's my excuse!!
I let my daughter take 40 minute showers in the morning just so I can have 40 minutes peace and quiet while I get ready. Water bill WHAT??
Halloween is a week from Monday and we still don't have pumpkins or as Kadyn likes to call them pum-kins
I don't even want to begin thinking about Christmas, I have three birthdays before it.....Where's that money tree I always hear people talking about?
That I'm still trying to figure out all this blog stuff, I'm a newbee and haven't found my niche yet!!
Yep, we haven't gotten pum-kins yet either...I'm hoping that we can make it to a patch this weekend...I would REALLY like to get some good pics of Chloe. So here's hoping!!