About Me

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I'm single mom, enough said!! My daughter is almost 5 going on 13. My life is a little hectic, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love to run, work out, play volleyball, spend as much time as possible with my daughter, boyfriend, and his 2 kids. I'm a huge sports fan. Well let me re-phrase that, football and hockey fan!!

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Meet Kadyn

Meet Kadyn
aka Roo


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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Big Move!!!

So Brian and I have been talking a lot about moving in together for the past several months. So naturally, we started going through stuff, re-organizing things, downsizing belongings, etc. Well after our trip to New Hampshire, we seriously talked about it and decided Oct would be the month. 

I'm like perfect, it's my birthday month, he has every weekend off this month (AMAZING!!!), and the weather is nice. So I take that as moving the end of the month, he took it as you live here TODAY (the day he said move in). Gotta love the communication gap between men and women! So spur of the moment we decide to move this past weekend. He decided he wanted my couch there ASAP, I mean we could watch the Buckeyes blow it PLAY on Saturday. So Friday we decide to go get it, just the two of us. I have sectional with recliners on both ends, HEAVY as a MF'er. So in one weekend I managed to turn his bachelor pad into a home. It looks so good, I'm sooo excited to be living with my best friend.

The best part about it, the kids are all extremely excited and happy about it. Yesterday was my first day leaving work and going to my new home. It was so nice going home to somebody!! The sense of security, not living out of a bag, seeing his face when I pulled into the driveway!!

Moving in with Brian was one of the best decisions I have made. I have never been happier, Kadyn has stability and consistency, and he is just the most amazing man I have ever met. I'm so excited for the holidays and spending them all with Brian and all three kids! 

Tonight will be my first night in my new home by myself, wish me luck!!


  1. Congrats on the move! That's awesome!!

  2. Just wanted to say "Hi" and let you know I found your blog from Shannon's from Life After I Dew.
    I was drawn to your blog because I to am a single momma.
    Congrats on the move.
